Galleries, Exhibitions and Events

Manchester Art Fair 2021 with my sister and fellow artist Lily Greenwood.

Gallery Representation:

Old Courthouse Gallery - Ambleside, Cumbria

Gallery North West - Brampton, Cumbria

Exhibitions & Events:

Big Art Show 2024 -
The Art Department, Paisley. 30th Aug - 16th Nov 2024.

24 Art Gallery Edinburgh -
Group exhibition with the Proseed Collective 1st - 14th June 2024

Venice Biennale 2024 -
European Cultural Centre, Palazzo Bembo. Exhibiting with the Proseed Collective, curated by artist Daniel Ibbotson. 20th April - 24th November 2024.

ING Discerning Eye Exhibition -
Mall Galleries London. 16th - 26th Nov 2023.

Chapter II -
Group Exhibition at Carlisle Cathedral Fratery, curated by Carlisle Contemporary Arts. 16th - 28th October 2023.

Historic Quarter Arts Festival:
Group exhibition, Carlisle. August 2023.

Group exhibition at 'Intro' Carlisle. Curated by StART exhibitions. 17th - 27th Feb 2023.

Lunchtime Talk - Journey of a Self-Taught artist -
Tullie House, Tuesday 1st Nov, 1pm. 2022.

Group exhibition at 'Intro' Carlisle. 16th - 23rd October 2022

Fountain Gallery, Wigton:
Guest artist for October 2022.

Craftsmen at the Priory:
Group exhibition August 2022, Dacre Hall Lanercost Priory.

Zenith: Group exhibition, Creative Quarter, Blackfriars St Carlisle. 9th - 24th July 2022.

Pop up exhibition, 4th - 11th Dec 2021, Intro Carlisle

Manchester Art Fair:
Manchester Central 19th -21st November 2021

Carlisle Cathedral. 'Chapter':
Group show. 1st - 13th October 2021 

Prism Arts Workshops: (Street art landscapes) - July 2021

Viola Tricola: Pop up exhibition 18th - 26th June. Carlisle.

Rheged Centre: Through the locking glass exhibition - June 2021

9 Crosby St Carlisle: Presence: Winter Art Exhibition.

Group Exhibition 27th Nov - 6th Dec 2020

29 Scotland Rd Carlisle: Proseed: Carlisle Summer Exhibition.

Group exhibition 21st - 27th August 2020

Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery: Solo exhibition.

10th May - 8th June 2019

Upfront Gallery: 'Derwent Water from Castlehead Woods' and 'Ennerdale Autumn Study' selected by judges for annual open exhibition.

29th Jan - 24th March 2019.

Evan Gallery (Penrith) - 2018 - August 2019

Edwin Talbot Gallery (Carlisle) - 2018 - 2020

Upfront Gallery: 'Blencathra' selected by judges for annual open exhibition.

30th Jan - 25th March 2018.

C-Art Artfair, Rheged, Penrith - 8/9/10 September 2017.

Manchester Buy Art Fair - 27/28/29 October 2017.

Upfront Gallery: 'Kirkstone pass' selected by judges for annual open exhibition.

24th Jan- 19th March 2017.

Awards and Recognition.

ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2023:
'February Sky' final selection. Exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London

Jacksons Painting Prize 2023:
'Footsteps in the Snow II' long listed.

Jacksons Painting Prize 2022:
'Autumn Landscape' long listed.

Artful Ways, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery:
'Eden River (Rickerby Park)' selected for group show September-November 2021

Rheged Centre: Through the locking glass exhibition. 'Dawn on the Floodbank' selected by panel of judges for an exhibtion looking at Cumbrian artists response to lockdown.

ING Discerning Eye exhibition: 'Eden Bridge 10pm' final selection. 2020 (Online exhibition due to Covid restrictions).

Upfront Gallery: 'Derwentwater from Castlehead Woods' 2nd Visitors choice award 2019


Richmond Hill School
Bridekirk Dovenby School
Hawkshead Brewery
Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery
Prism Arts
Thriving Communities Carlisle
Longtown Community Centre
Blank Wall Assasins
Allerdale Council
Carlisle Youth Zone